Games I Played in 2012

Our mission as gaming bloggers is to seek out innovation and fun. ~ Rowan Blaze 

Another year of playing or wasting time playing online games for fun and entertainment soon comes to and end. Probably allot cheaper than catching 2 movies at the Movie Theater every week for a year. Surely cheaper than the average weekly Date in cost playing MMO’s overall. Sometimes it can be good to get away from a main game your playing for fun and somewhat recharge your batteries.  At other time just to get a feel what new games are really like that may be new out there.

After all I’m not married to any particular game. I play MMO games for my own fun, enjoyment and cheap entertainment and to at least have some fun playing it with everyone else. I don’t mind playing or trying out some new games, its part of why I enjoy playing games and to find new things to appreciate as gaming keeps evolving. As well I like to remind myself from time to time, I’m a MMO gamer! Overall it was only a few games I really tried out in 2012, some games new titles and first time played. One title was a revisit from the past.

Diablo 3


The first game of 2012 I bought in the spring. It’s one of Blizzards games I was already familiar with somewhat having played some of their other game titles. I had never previously played any of the Diablo titles before.

Was a lot of hype about this title before release as well. Having never played the previous title versions, I had decided I was gonna try it out regardless and have some fun playing it for however long it was to last. Bought the game on release. I played a Monk and found that somewhat appealing. Played for about 2 weeks, made it to level 24 or so and have never played it again since. It was good mindless fun while it lasted and didn’t regret spending the money. For the most part I’ve almost completely forgotten I even bought and played the game, though it’s still on my PC.

The Secret World


Second game up was The Secret World (TSW). It was a game I had heard of way back in 2010 and found it interesting and intriguing a game, it sounded different. I figured I’d try it out if it ever got made. I never kept up with the game since that time… I’d completely forgotten about it. Then when I heard it was going to be released in Summer of 2012, I remembered thinking about trying it out. I got a Beta Invite  to play it but decided not to play the Beta so not to spoil ever really giving it a real play through on release. As well I decided not to care about reading any review about the game or Beta impressions. What I had already decided was, I was going to play it regardless of any review impressions. I like getting my first hand impressions on things. If I had taken the vast majority of other people’s impressions about EVE Online, I’d likely would have never played it either.

Bought TSW on day one and played it. I didn’t try it out, I played it. Played the game through starting in Solomon Island. I found the game more interesting than vast majority of MMO’s on the market in its story and lore as well modern-day setting. It felt more original that most other MMOs with allot of outside the box thinking required. I enjoyed the mystery aspect of having to figure things out with a rich and engaging story to play through. That was a great part of the appeal of the game. And so I just didn’t play for a few hours starting on Solomon Island, killed some zombies from an Invasion, quit and say yeah I played The Secret World and knew what it was all about.

It was more interesting, intriguing and cerebral than most games I’ve ever played. It was also interesting to be playing the game with my new multi gaming mmo guild of a few other mmo gamers and bloggers. So I made it past the Mysteries of Solomon Island starting the game. Journeyed and explored the deep Mysteries of Blue Mountain, sifted through and revealed the mysteries that lay hidden deep in the Sands and Tombs of Egypt, Time shifted tracking down and apprehending Rogue Agents, explored and solved mysteries in the farmlands of Romania. And at the end unearthing the mysteries of the Shadowy Forest and Carpathian Mountains of Transylvania. I made it through to the max level with full GL10 gear. I picked up playing GW2 at launch about that time.

That was back in September and paying a TSW subscription. And though I haven’t really played TSW much since I still have a running subscription all this time. It was my way of showing support for the game. TSW has a fascinating game story and rich story telling in a game with complex mysteries that run deep, its more compelling a story than just about almost any other MMO games out there in my opinion. What was disheartening to see was that not that many gamers really tried it. Some players that did, didn’t find TSW like WoW or other countless MMO’s out there with more of the same thing. As many players found that TSW required some brains and quickly quit. The game launched at not the best of time with heavy competition from GW2 and WoW MoP expansion and maybe not the best payment model for the game by Funcom to compete.

All the Funcom game payment model issue for TSW aside, it turned out to me to be one of the best games I played in 2012. And though I haven’t played TSW much in a while hitting the max level well ahead of many that played, I miss playing the game. I’ve kept the game content up to date and can’t wait to soon return for all the new content that Funcom has delivered to the game since that time last played to dive into. This game will remain for me a keeper to play as a MMO game, what will happen to its future though remain unclear. But as long as Funcom keeps it alive, I’ll keep playing it as they aren’t any other MMO games like it. TSW takes my pick for the best new MMO I played all year!

Guild Wars 2


I had never played GW1, but I had some interest in trying out GW2 from a few years from way back in Game Plans a blogpost a bit way back. I guess it was one of the biggest MMO to have launched this year and to years of hype as well. But I had already decided one way or another I was going to try it out. Never played the GW2 Beta, just bought and played it on game launch day joining up again with my multi gaming mmo guild of a few fellow gamers, bloggers and friends.

GW2 was a fun casual game to play and just relax playing for fun. Really not all that much different compared to if you had ever played WoW or others like it. But it was just more casual laid back fun game to play when felt like doing something a bit different with my time playing a game. Tried out a few races and eventually felt that playing Human felt more fun. I played a Guardian. Played it enough I made it to level 42 or something. Haven’t played it much since those first few months after launch. It still felt like more of the same thing that almost every other MMO have been doing for years and not all that much different to me. I’m sure I will continue to play it from time to time when I feel like.

World of Warcraft – Mist of Pandaria


After playing WoW for several years, its hard to ignore the fact that the game exist, that I once played it and that it had a new expansion with Mist of Pandaria. This very blog only exist and still exist after all these years because I played WoW where I started blogging. After rejecting all of Blizzard previous invitations to return to the game for quite some time I decided to use one the free trials and see what was happening around Azeroth with the latest expansion.

My characters still exist, so it was like old times revisiting some my old characters that I used to spend countless hours playing. Played my old Paladin through the new continent of Pandaria and made it to lvl 90. My old guild which I was still in was barely active, except just one other person an old friend and GM. Though I had fun playing my character through the content from lvl 85-90, wasn’t much point to keep playing after considering all the gear grind, reputation grind and all that. The though of it all wasn’t that entertaining either to have to do all that. It was fun while it lasted, it was like remembering old times, but after about 2 months subscription I called it quits. It was like again, more of the same MMO stuff nothing unique. Back to being one of the many millions Retired from WoW.

EVE Online


Really what’s there to say. I’ve now been playing EVE Online for now almost two and half years. It’s the one MMO I’ve played for almost all of 2012, despite trying out other games and while doing so. EVE remains my main MMO game. It remains the most interesting of all the games I’ve played.

EVE Online also remains the game I absolutely Hate & Love the most! And I guess for me it’s that weird mix of emotions about the game that keeps me attached to it like a bad addiction habit. The day will come when I’ll eventually move on from EVE, but that wasn’t to happen in 2012 apparently. And so it remain my main MMO and the one most played by wide margin of countless hours played in 2012.

2011 the Year that was

It certainly was 2011 yesterday only a few hours ago. Now its just a fast receding memory in the minds of an entire planet and certainly as well in the mind of all those who play MMO’s. It certainly was an odd year for me blogging and  playing MMO’s including EVE Online. At this point I’m not really sure how I choose to remember the year that was. I certainly did blog allot less this year as compared to any other year since 2007 when I started blogging for fun about playing MMO games.

The year that was 2010 here on the blog certainly didn’t end with me making any great post at all of reflection about that year, blog statistics as well as predictions for the year that was 2011. At that moment I was on break from EVE Online from feeling a little burned out doing everyday activities. And the biggest thing was at the time was that I was recently unemployed being laid off from the job of the last 6 years. It was definitely a tough time and transition.

2011 didn’t start with any great prediction of what was to be or expect in the year ahead. It started already as a year with lots of uncertainty for the most part being unemployed and at that point all things was up in the year for the future. But life still went on and in the break from EVE at the very beginning of the year I chilled out and played some WoW Cataclysm for several weeks while trying to get over the realities of life at hand at the time.

After a brief uninteresting stint playing WoW Cataclysm, It was back to more interesting life as usual in EVE Online with all its complications. In the interest of playing other MMO’s besides EVE Online I played Rift Beta and eventually subscribed and played for at least 2 months. It was certainly fun for a while escaping realities of life playing Rift for a while as well. But in the end it was a more interesting life having a love for Space that I returned to EVE Online and all its complexity of gameplay. It was more an interesting life and place to be living in Space and New Eden than anywhere else I could think of at the time. For me it was the most interesting MMO to play and keep playing at the time interest wise as well.

In the battle for my mind, interest and escape from the realities of life playing a MMO for fun and entertainment in 2011, EVE Online certainly won that battle.

I certainly don’t strictly consider myself a EVE Online blogger. I’m certainly not a highly opinionated blogger about all things MMO and gaming, a bitter blogger or one that rants often either to generate a lot of comments in the interest of pumping up blog traffic. But blogging for me reflects the reality of the games I play whatever that game happen to be I’m most interested in. I consider myself a focused MMO player who happen to play EVE Online and find Interest to keep playing EVE Online more than any other game that interest me. And so as I keep playing EVE Online it’s what the realities of my blogging about the MMO games I play will reflect blogging as well. For the rest of the entire year with many MMO games going Free to Play, lack of any other real MMO games that peak my general interest to really play I just kept playing EVE Online all the way till the end of the year. And I certainly didn’t feel the force either.

It also wasn’t till mid summer 2011 that I left life as one of the many unemployed and returned to life of the working and disgruntled. Life it happens. It wasn’t the ideal job but it was at least good to be back to work as well paying the bills. Playing MMO’s and EVE Online certainly got me thru the tough year and though times when I spend much the year unemployed thru no fault of my own.

Whats to expect in 2012? Lots of other MMO bloggers have done their MMO predictions for the coming year. I’m no prediction guru or about MMO games. So for me, I make no such prediction at all and no one out there really cares that much about what I care to predict about MMO’s in 2012. I take the position that I’m not full of opinions about talking about games and expectations, I just play them if I’m interested in the game and go from there. I can only say it will be an Interesting year for sure. And I can also certainly say I’ll probably blog less in 2012 than I did in any other year that I’ve been blogging.

And so we get to Blog Stats for 2011

This remain also my 2nd blog and Incarnation of Ardent Defender having completely transferred all of the old Blogspot files completely to WordPress and just sticking to one blog. I also much say I continue to enjoy blogging on a WordPress platform without much fuss as well.

For the most part I hardly usually ever look at Blog Statistics. The number one person I usually blog for is myself to document my adventures, time and perspective playing MMO’s and whatever my thoughts are. On some days I can look back in time to reflect where I was at different moments in time in MMO’s escaping the realities of life. It also certainly helps to make it more enjoyable that others choose in their time to stop by and make the blog more lively with their comments and various helpful insights. It can be interesting existing as one voice in a community of blogs about other games or EVE Online. To all those who do visit and continue to do so, they have certainly made things quite lively and more a joy to continue to blog. As well this blog remain 100% commercial free of Ads, I just like it that way with a clean blog.

For 2011 there were 68 Blog Posts published. Compared to the previous year in 2010 when 95 Blog Posts were published. Blogging frequency certainly reflect my mood up or down. It was a tough year for me in 2011 with the economic realities of life to deal with.

Total Lifetime Blog Posts Published on Ardent Defender since year 2007 at the close of year 2011: 817

Total Comments on the Blog: 1887

In the life time of this blog Ardent Defender (2nd) now fully on WordPress, there were 51768 visitors. If this was fully combined with my old AD blog on Blogspot (524470) that would be a grand total of 576238 visitors.

For 2011 there were 35170 visitors to this WordPress blog.

June 2011 had the most visitors (4649) to the blog during the year. It also had the most visitors daily to the blog during the month. If I remember it was during the time of the EVE Online Riots & Protests.

The busiest day on the blog to date continue and remain November 2nd 2010 with 952 visitors that day. I was totally surprised my self looking at the stats trying to figure out what happened on that day as I never even noticed it before. It was from the post: Tonight I got Laid off…….due to Corporate Restructuring. As that was the last post prior to that date and none after for 2 weeks.

The Top 10 Referrers Sites or Blogs to this site were:

#1. Search Engines – Almost all were Google Search.

#2. – I can attribute all those from being in the EVE Online Blog Pack when Crazykinux maintained the Blog Pact list.

#3. EVE – From being listed as one of the many EVE Online blogs listed there on the list.

#4. – I guess from links to one of many blogs on the EVE Online Blog Pack list on Rixx Javix site. Actually I used to be on the list, apparently it seems not anymore.

#5. – Somewhat obvious here.

#6. – Link from Penny’s blog over at Tigerears about life as a Pirate it WH space. It remain one of the best written and very best EVE Online blogs I’ve ever read ever and continue to read. Gets the award hands down from me as the “Most Consistence” daily Blogger Award in EVE Online about detailed daily life in Wormholes in quality writing and writes about it better than anyone else there is.

#7. Google Reader – Apparently some others must read the blog here on Google Reader.

#8. MMO Gamer Chick – Link from MMOGamerChick blog who loves to play various MMO Games and a blog I frequently read as well about other MMO games and comment often over there. We use to be in the same STO and Rift guild when I played both those MMO’s. Nice blog to read as well.

#9. – Link from Poetic Stanziel blog Poetic Discourse. About life in EVE Online often in seemingly humorous ways, causing drama or getting into trouble. Often quite fun to read as well. Whats even more surprising why this makes the Top 10 Refer list linking to this blog is that was only not too long ago listed there on the blog.

#10. Ardent Defender – Yeah links from my old Blogspot blog and 1st blog that was mostly about WoW and other MMO’s still sends a few links this way though it’s mostly abandoned even though I still keep it around.

#11. Stabbed Up – Link from over at Stabbed Up on his blog about a lot of things in MMO’s and EVE Online.

Now what I can gather about most the Top Referrer link to this site in 2011 and looking at the numbers is that mostly were all via Google and Google Searches by a wide margin.

Top 10 Most Active visitor Blog Page of 2011.

#1. EVE Incarna Mass Protest. On Blog #3 overall.

#2. Overhauling Planetary design with the new PI Incursion patch. On Blog #5 overall.

#3. EVE Q4 2010 Quarterly Economic Report out. On Blog #8 overall.

#4. Planetary Interaction post Incursion: Changing Planets. On Blog # 12 overall.

#5. Long Road to becoming a T2 Inventor. On Blog #16 overall.

#6. Account Expired. On Blog #18 overall.

#7. Best Billion ISK I ever made. On Blog #21 overall.

#8. Sexy! On Blog #22 overall.

#9. EVE Online: My First year Space Odyssey. On Blog #25 overall.

#10. Incarna Mac Client login Issues. On Blog #26 overall.

What that says about the most active visitor posts in 2011 compared to others in 2011 I really have no real clue!

Top 10 Search Engine Searches to this Blog

#1. eve jita protest

#2. eve buy sell pi

#3. planetary interaction setup

#4. planetary interaction

#5. eve factory planet

#6. wow cataclysm

#7. eve economy report 2011

#8. amarr oracle

#9. pi factory planet eveonline

#10. eveonline planetary interaction layout

Looking at all the search engine search words you get the idea that a lot of visitors was searching about Planetary Interaction in one way or another who also ended up visiting this blog.

Number one way I read all the blogs I read is actually visiting every single blog to read new and updated posts, since I don’t read any blogs on Google Reader or via Feedburner. More than 95% of every blog I’ve read I often read via my IPhone or wherever I happen I be waiting around reading them all on my IPhone. Needless to say I burn up a lot of battery time on my IPhone.

And to round things out there were 3657 spam comments to this blog that was caught by the WordPress filter and eventually deleted that barely anyone visiting ever saw. Almost twice the amount of comments on the entire blog in spam.

So whats for 2012 in MMO’s and EVE Online? I guess I’ll just go with where the Interstellar Winds take me, no promises and no great expectations in the year ahead for 2012. Just play whatever game that interest me, have fun and blog about it if possible.

Somewhere In Space

Have been on a little bit of a break from deep space activities in New Eden while playing with a bit of magic in WoW. In a way needed a bit of a break from day to day Trading activities in EVE which evolved into a life of its own.

With close to almost 300 trades active across 7 regions being managed daily that just became a bit too much. Was spending quite a bit of time daily zipping across 7 regions maintaining, restocking, and checking up on all my trades daily. Plus doing a bit of PI activities daily hauling materials. So I decided to take a bit of a break and let the active trades across all the regions slowly sell off or figure themselves out and reduce my active trade orders over time on its own.

So canceled the few buy orders I had up, let all my PI activities go idle and just took a break with over 280+ active orders and let things sell on their own. However did log in as needed to just take care of training needs. Its been a few weeks so just returning to space. My trade orders are now down almost half, ISK balance is up though not as much as I had expected but that’s ok. However I’m quite happy about things. Much market competition have prevented a good deal of the rest of the orders from selling off. So recently returned just took some time visiting a few regions and updating all my trade orders for competitiveness and to prevent some orders from expiring on the market and having to pay additional broker fee for any relisting.

On my Trader Alothos placed one new buy order in Amarr for a Providence freighter. For the last few weeks he’s been consuming a bit of time in training up for a freighter.

Its been a good break from a lot of daily Trading activities that took on a life of their own.

A little bit of MMO back into my gaming with Cataclysm

We all play MMO’s to have some good fun and entertainment no matter the game we choose to play. You have to be a hermit in MMO hell to not know Blizzard this past week released their reshaped game with WoW Cataclysm. Even if you don’t play WoW, it hard to not notice the game video commercial on TV like what seem like every 15 minutes almost in the afternoon and evening running up to the launch date and after. Its been about 10 months since I last played WoW.

So in putting some MMO back into my gaming have bought the new Cataclysm expansion and been working my way into mystics realms playing some of the new content which i write about on my other and original blog over at Ardent Defender.

I Just Couldn’t Help Stopping By To Get One

So Blizzard added a cool new vanity mount and new pet available for purchase from the Blizzard Store.

Found a Youtube vid of the Celestial Steed. Hmmm, looks Epic.

I remember a post I did a long time ago about Should Paladins Have a Epic Flying Mount or a winged pegasus. Probably never happen though dream on. But I’m not going to pass up such a Epic Celestial Steed Mount in the Blizzard Store. I may not even be playing WoW, however i just couldn’t help stopping by and getting one for my account and help clog up the queue which was about 10k people long in queue and said a 2 hour wait. However I waited and it actually took less than a hour.

Hell even had to download a few patches of WoW since haven’t logged in a while. Collected the new mount out of the mail on all my characters so it dosen’t expire in the mail since i’m not really playing WoW at the moment.

I’m sure that mount will be all too popular and Blizzard will make a ton on it as well. I don’t really care in the end, i’m not usually that much into mounts and so what mounts I use get used allot and for a long while. At least I don’t have to buy any my other alts a mount as well any that I don’t really like either. As mount riding skills eventually upgrade, so does the mount as well in speed also. I’ve always liked a cool looking Pegasus, nevertheless a Celestial looking one for all my account.

Blizzard sure knows how to print money as i’m sure they will make millions on the pet and mount. GC did promise you a pony.