Black Forest Mining In VALHEIM

Mining In Valheim

You can do many things in Valheim, and one of those things and most essential is mining minerals to craft and upgrade weapons and armor. Mining can be done in almost any biome that’s not the meadow areas where it’s safer. In the Black Forest which can be dangerous and most especially at night with snoopy giant Trolls and pesky Greydwarf’s, you can mine the area of both Copper and Tin. Copper found in huge dome deposits with a few sparkle veins on them and on mouseover says, Copper. Tin ore can be found scattered all along the shoreline areas of the Black Forest looking like shiny rocks. But if you have never mined Copper before in the Black Forest you will not realize just how much of the mineral there is below the ground all the way to the bottom. There is a point where you cannot dig any deeper and it bottoms out. Once you start mining with your Pickaxe, you’ve alerted the entire forest that you are there and the enemy will come hunting for you.

Mining In Valheim

I have found it much easier to start by carving out the perimeter of the entire mining node. That’s all the way around and outward. As there is a lot of the Copper node spread out below the ground in large nuggets.

Mining In Valheim

Then I trench the entire area all the way down while mining the Copper deposits. Doing this also makes the dig site area unfriendly to being attacked by sneaky Giant Trolls who love to sneak up on you doing your work. The bane of any and all those in Valheim is getting snuck up on by a Giant Troll! The Trolls find it a bit hard to path their way down into the excavated pit. At best you can attack the Troll from within the area with your bow and kill it. Fire Arrows work great! If the Giant Troll was to somehow ever enter the excavated area, it cannot get out. You can easily sprint climb the walls out and you can kill him more easily with your bow.
Mining In Valheim
Mineral deposits run all the way down to the ground and you just have to uncover it all within the entire excavating area removing the rocks.
Mining In Valheim
Lots of Copper Ore below. It can look really beautiful in the background, the background as the lighting changes over the course of the day cycle as well mist in the area.
Mining In ValheimMining solo, it literally took me a few game days to complete mining out the area as well as having to constantly fix my broken pickaxe. When your all done mining every bit of Copper, only a giant crater is left in the ground. Professional Miner at work in Valheim!

If you haven’t tried playing Valheim, it’s a really cool and fun game to play. If you got a few friends, this game is several notches more fun in Co-Op play. It’s really worth checking out!

Hot Modules

Since the patch it’s been a little bit more busy in EVE than of recent. Building lots of Mining Barge’s mostly Procurer’s & Retriever’s, at pre-patch mineral value and selling them like hot cakes. All my T2 Skiffs have sold and completely out of Invented BPC’s to make any more currently. Unless I get some BPC soon to make more but that’s a length process of making all the components as well and time-consuming. All my Mining Barges that were in the factory getting built are now on the market and in before the really huge flood finally arrives on market. I hear one player have over 10K Procurers in the factory being built at pre-patch mineral requirement. That’s a lot of those ships to flood the market soon and that’s just one capsuleer.

There is always the thing that preparation for change ahead of a major patch change can literally make you lots and lots of ISK. If you prepare properly, you can take advantage of things in a very profitable $$$ way.  I’ve found that to be true in my experience on every single expansion so far I’ve experienced in EVE.

Anyway all the new modules I’ve made have been selling fairly well and fairly fast at very profitable prices! Needless to say all my factory slots are slam full to capacity almost all the time making something to throw up on the market and take advantage of things until things calm down a bit. Even had to Invent more of some modules to keep up with the demand in multiple places of Trade as some regions look quite bare.

But if your of the Industrial stripe and making any the various and numerous modules that just about can be fitted on any the new mining barges in any of the slots you can make a decent return right now. Be it the new Ice Harvester Accelerator modules, Mining and Ice module upgrades, Strip Miners or Shield Rigs, you can just about turn a very decent profit as capsuleers go nuts and pimp out their new shiny ships for stripping the belts dry.

Right now Mining Barges and all the various modules for fitting those ships are Hot! So are the Profits as well.

30 Days of Crucible

It has been almost 30 days since Crucible expansion has affected life all over New Eden. Life in highsec has been quite busy since as a Trade Industrialist and Research Scientist. Business has also been good as well for the past month. Sometime when your busy playing a game it can be hard to really devote time to blogging about it when your actually busy playing it. Yet blogging for me is an extension of playing the MMO games I play and chronicling life as such. And in a way I feel like I’ve been falling behind on things here on the blog and better catch up on things before I fall too far behind.

Hows Business?

Crucible has been exciting for business and generally exciting overall. In the almost 30 days since Crucible profits has increased by almost 9 Billion ISK and that so far makes it the best month for sales in my career in New Eden. Total Nav Wallet balance has increased to almost 20 Billion ISK mostly due to Trade and Industrial R&D production activity. There is still some 8 Billion or so in Sell Orders on the market across 7 regional markets and almost a Billion ISK in Buy Orders. Its taken some work but its been fun. Some people make much more ISK than that but to each their own and what they find fun.

I'm doing it Wrong? I guess I should be making more?

Maybe I’m probably doing it all wrong? Not everyone who does Trade and Industry do the exact same thing, trade the same way or whatever else. But at least in the things I do it’s what I choose to do and have fun doing things my way. So things has been good in business for the last 30 days. I haven’t had to scam anyone in New Eden (yet) to try to get ahead either, so a bit a myth that everyone in EVE is a scammer.

Much of last month Trade business I can probably attribute to production sales of the new BC’s (Tornado & Oracle), Invention Production sales of new T2 modules, new Fuel Blocks & Blueprints, Ice Products, Mineral Speculation, PI P4 products and other general sales items across the various regions of trade.

Sales of some of the PI P4 products didn’t quite work out as expected. Expectations was that POCO’s was going to be in high demand for production and thus a huge demand for PI P4 products. Generally I usually produced PI P4 products on a routine basis for production of Starbase Structures from various Blueprints in my asset collection. So I usually produced PI P4 materials anyway. However most the P4 items produced was intended for market for use in POCO upgrade from the Gantry once deployed. Roughly just over 440 units of 4 different kind of PI P4 items was produced for market in anticipation for demand in making POCO’s from general PI material stock I was sitting on.

I’ve managed to sell roughly about half my entire stock. However it seemed a lot of other capsuleer’s had the same idea and massive amounts of P4 ended up on the market. As well it seem demand for making POCO’s haven’t materialized as was fully expected and demand for P4 have been quite low it seemed in my region. At least thats how I see it. With the low demand for P4 in my region stuff just seem to sit on the market with prices slowly dropping and erratic. At this point I’ve chosen to do nothing much at all and probably let the item sit unless maybe I find a better deal somewhere else like in Amarr.


I can’t remember the last time I ever ran a Mission at this point as its been a long time. But generally running Missions for me is for the overall purpose of raising NPC standing to lower my Brokerage Taxes on Trade orders. Traders like paying lower Brokerage fees as it mean higher margin profits on Trades at various stations.

Planetary Interaction

Really haven’t done anything all that different with PI since the patch other than paying higher Export and Import Taxes. Did make some change to one of my planets due to it not being as productive on extraction vs extracting something else.

On another note, before the patch did speculate and buy up some amount of PI material cheap on the market on Buy Orders. And so far I’m still sitting on most of all that PI P1 material. Currently sitting on 4.6 M units combined of all the PI P1 material. The plan is to sell it for higher profits and I have yet to sell it all. I’ve figured based on an average value of PI P1 material its roughly worth somewhere around 2.2 Billion ISK in PI material. Right now I’m just sitting on it for now.

Manufacturing and Production

Manufacturing and Production mostly for T2 has been chaotic for the last several weeks. Since Crucible I’ve been mostly unable to work out of my regular hanger with any regularity for Invention and T2 Production. Manufacturing activities has been greatly increased in my system. So much so most of all the manufacturing slots in my station hanger remain locked down and in use for days on end often up to an entire week. Invention slots often remained full and occupied for days.

During the recent production of the new BC’s none was ever produced in my own station hanger. All was produced in another system temporarily moving all the needed materials ahead of time to a lesser utilized system for manufacturing. And since that time I have yet to fully move back to my main hanger of operations.

Thus its been somewhat chaotic to manufacture various things, components always missing some material, mineral or needing to go back and forth to main hanger to get some needed material or component. It was a bit of a pain really. Invention as well has had similar issues always needing to invent at different facility stations since main hanger facility slots remain occupied and in use by other capsuleers. Running out of Minerals was a constant issue and having to buy and haul minerals for T2 and component production. As well the constant need to keep buying Mexallon for manufacturing for odd reasons as the price of the mineral kept going up.

Invention R & D

Copying Blueprints and Invention has mostly been an almost daily activity to various degree. For someone who does R &D in highsec without the advantage of a POS it does have its drawbacks and many inconveniences. However despite that I’ve been able to get numerous amount of Blueprint Copying done with long-range planning at a nearby Copying Facility. At this point there are somewhere over 2500 copies of numerous blueprints intended for Invention use. I’m not sure if I can or will get to use them all for Invention.

For the last several months I’ve been doing various amounts of Invention for T2 on a routine basis. There was some amount of time where I just did Inventions consuming the increasing supply of blueprint copies and not as much T2 Production. On each successful Invention run that produced a T2 BPC the amount of T2 BPC’s just continue to accumulate intended for later T2 Production. As of recently there are just short of almost 1000 T2 BPC’s of numerous amounts of Modules, Ammo and smaller Ship BPC’s.

Hundreds if not thousands of Datacores have been consumed in the constant process of blueprint Invention. An expensive amount of Datacores have been consumed in countless Invention runs. With a backlog of now almost 1000 T2 BPC’s of various sorts its pointless to just keep doing daily Invention to continue to increase the supply of T2 BPC’s and consuming an expensive amount of Datacores daily.

So I send word to the guys at the R&D lab that Invention tinkering was going to slow down dramatically if not fully come to a halt. Currently there are several sets of blueprint in the Copying Facility for Invention Copying. Its the last sets of blueprints to be copied at this time. Copying and Invention activity will be slowing down. Inventions will now be done as needed if needed.

In the last several weeks due to increase amount of Inventions, have had to buy and increasing amount of Datacores and visit R&D Agents more frequently to collect my supply of Researched Datacores. So it will be good for a while to not need to buy and consume Datacores for Invention. With the current stock of hundreds of Datacores in hanger I’ll probably eventually decide to sell most the current supply for some extra profit.

So for the last several days the Invention tinkering lab has been idle. T2 production has Increased and pretty much so for last 30 days. Without the need of having to do daily Inventions or worry about what to attempt to Invent there is just more focus time to just work at producing T2 items and components.

Corporate/Alliance Wardec

We’ve had a War! Right before and leading up to Crucible Corp/Alliance had a string of Wardec’s. In the last week we had another Wardec by one the same Corp/Alliance that Wardec’d us only a few short weeks ago. Needless to say it was a quiet War as it occurred over the Holidays and most people were gone for the holidays and we hardly even saw the Corp/Alliance that Wardec us. Word was that they were a Merc Alliance hired again by another Corp for the Wardec. So goes life as usual in highsec and Wardec’s.

So the War is now over, having ended just a day or so ago its now back to business as usual.

Neural Training

On my main character after almost a year of Science related skills for T2 its been somewhat a shift to training of ship skills to use T2 Turrets and Laser Crystals. In about a day or so complete Medium Energy Turret V. Will be a while longer before getting to Large Energy Turret V and able to use Large T2 Turrets and T2 Laser Crystals. Currently have around 27.6 M SP.

On my Trader alt he recently completed training for piloting a Hulk almost 30 days ago. Bought him a Hulk, fitted it out  and don’t think he been mining 3 times since for any great length of time. Completed training the various mineral mining skills to lvl 4 and recently completed Refining 5. Currently have the the trader alt at 24.8 M SP training Metallurgy V since he usually does blueprint copying activity. That will help to finally get that Prototype Cloaking Device I Blueprint which have been in my collection for quite some time finally researched which does require Metallurgy V.

Overall its been a good and busy 30 days.

Back to Things as Usual

Retriever Mining

Day to day activities usually include running down a mental checklist of checking the status of several things such as uncompleted training and any need to make any readjustment to current training as needed. Checking the status of planetary colonies resetting extraction processes across several planets and decide whether there is a need to schedule and do any orbital launches of processed and extra launch pad storage buildup for later pickup from planetary customs. As well there is the daily routine checking and management of all my trade buy and sell orders and deciding if there is a need to do any courier to restock any out of stock orders across my trading network at key trading stations if possible.

On another note needed to replenish some mineral reserve which I use to for the manufacturing of blueprint products some of which ends up increasingly being moved across my trading network as needed and to where it can appear to be more profitable. However needed to make a few modules to do some upgrade to my salvaging fleet of ships (3) and needed several out of stock minerals to start the factory manufacturing process. So was off to do a few quiet hours of personal mining in a nearby system asteroid belt to mine the needed minerals. As well build up a little extra mineral reserve for other blueprint manufacturing needs.

That lasted for a few hours. A few hours mining in my Retriever as a part-time miner eventually realized I eventually need a bigger mining barge. A Covetor would do to fill my needs for upgrade for much faster mineral harvesting at some point. However at the moment finding the time to accomplish the training needs required for piloting is going to be a while due to other training requirements that’s a bit important at the current moment.

Completed my mining ops reprocessing all minerals and dropped a blueprint in the factory slot at my home station for several Tractor Beams needed to reconfigure my salvaging fleet of ships for more efficiency.

Static Wormhole connection to a C3 system.

Ditching the mining barge needed to temporary move my Helios scanning and scouting ship to a station where was doing a bit of work for my production agent in a system a few jumps away to do some scanning whenever I felt the need while temporary based there for missions. As well my mission Battlecruiser ship was temporary as well located at the same station.

So did some scanning for signatures picking up some pirate anomaly’s, combat sites and a wormhole. Decided to quickly check out the wormhole before deciding to run through some the pirate hideout sites and complexes. The wormhole was a static connection to unknown space leading to system J223207 a class 3 wormhole system that appeared occupied though without activity. So another wormhole system visited for exploration. Did some looking around briefly in the system and then decided to jump back to empire space to engage some pirates in the scanned anomaly’s and combat complexes.

Running level 3 missions in my Harbinger

After having run through a few scanned anomaly’s and combat sites and cleaning up salvaging with my conveniently located close by mission salvaging ship in system it was time to decide to report to my production agent and do some missions for the high tech NPC Corp Viziam.  As well to continue to raise my standing to access better quality missions and increasingly move closet to lvl 4 missions. Accepted several level 3 missions doing a variety of hauling of freight of several items from one to four jumps away for delivery to a variety of NPC Corps to quickly complete.

Occasionally one or two missions involved mining some amount of unusual Ore in the local system. That involved fetching my Retriever close by to relocate and complete especially since it was obvious that actually completing the mission gave a bit of standing increase judging by the amount of loyalty points the mission rewarded on completion. Usually had to clear a several drones before could mine the needed mission Ore mining it. Rest of my level 3 missions was engaging a variety of drones and ships at various mission either in system or in a system adjacent to current system. It was fun to do more combat oriented missions blowing up speedy drones and various sorts of ships.

Destroying Mission Objective Outpost

One mission was quite long, my longest ever with a total of 5 rooms to complete full of targets and long enough that by the time I completed the mission the wreck at the very beginning of the mission site acceleration gate entrance had just started to despawn. So had to with haste salvage the mission site quickly. Salvaging overall is always fun making a game out of tagging and fetching wreckage while salvaging the actual wreckage. However did get the mission site cleaned up somewhat quickly with lots of tractor beams towing wreck behind and salvaging on the move. Before I had fitted my salvaging ships with 4 salvaging modules and 4 tractor beams and felt I needed at least one more tractor beam vs salvage modules. Refitting to 3 salvaging modules and 5 tractor beams seems to work much better for faster towing of more wreckage while salvaging on the move.

There was enough wreckage had to make 2 cans for later pickup and haul back to station in my industrial hauler located at my agent station. With several missions complete and a bit of standing increase with my agent done, called it a day now having access to a much higher quality lvl 3 quality 19 Viziam Corp agent vs the lvl 3 quality -15 agent I’ve been missioning for. The new agent is conveniently located just one system jump in the adjacent system.

War Declaration, (War dec) Again!

Well seem like the minor increase in fee was enough and my broker secured the order for my new Tech II Buzzard and at 7.5 million ISK I consider that a very good deal on my wallet. Saved me several millions so kinda made money on that deal. Picking it up realized needed Frigate 5 vs Frigate 4, ahh bummer. 16 days of training needed for Frigate 5 so about 20 days till can really pilot it. And again the weekly cycle of War Declaration (War dec) rolls in and our corporation had been yet again the target of another War Dec.

These things by my count seem to roll on in every week now based on my count. Some smack talking I believed had started the last war during mining ops of one of our corp member and member of another corp pirating cans during their mining. Last war ended after a day last week and a few of our corp mates lost a few ships outside out station. The other corp came in numbers in mostly Tech II ships mostly and had laid siege to out corp headquarters station. And so several out corp mates lost a few ships in the process including a new and fitted Battlecruiser of one of our directors that was unfortunate enough to get popped in the vicinity of out corp station. A few members lost ships outside trying to see what was going on.

The other corp had hired mercenaries, some from 0.0 space that had some huge bounties (38million+) on them it seemed and they came out to prey on us for the war including the rest of the corp. They made a good show. We gave up a few ships. We didn’t pay no blood ransom money. Waited them out a bit as well and they lost patience with us. And a bit over 24 hrs the war was over. Survived another war and then it was back to day to day business as usual after.

So as this week War Dec rolls in I have no idea as usual what’s the actual reason more usual than always the case. When it only cost 2 million ISK to initiate a war with a non alliance corp it doesn’t seem to cost much to bribe Concord (Empire Police) and have them look the other way. Guess we fight another one this week. See what happens next week as well. Seemed to be a 5 man corp that put the War Dec on us, but you never know how many is involved when corps can hire out for mercenaries and corp friends or add some as temporary corp members for the duration. I think they Australian corp so there is a bit of time difference as well for any action with them. So far they have lost a Dominix Battleship in our system.

Before the war actually kicked off had to bump up plans and pull my Bestower Industrial hauler ship out the hanger, stargate jump across a few star systems to pick up processed materials from my Planets. Since the launchpads for the planetary colonies which held the process storage was getting quite filled and didn’t know how long the corp war was going to last, needed to make the rounds and pick up lots of materials from several planets before I lost product due to over storage. Wasn’t much for hauling stuff during the war so do did it early.

The War Dec is still in process, but all is currently quiet and system seems clear via local. Jumped in my tiny fast shuttle (Daredevil) to make a few runs to several close by star system to pick up some advance skill books and several more blueprints for my manufacturing operations. My usual means of travel when picking up small stuff like skill books and blueprints. As well for the speedy warp travel.

My Trade business is coming along slowly and profits are slowly coming in. Though have been reinvesting my profits into more inventory for my faster selling items been reinvesting some the profits into picking up some ship building blueprints to manufacture several for market and add to my income source. Also picked up a few new blueprints for a few new modules to make and add to my manufacturing operation. Blueprints collection continues as a young Trade Industrialist. I’m still also not yet to the point where I can do Research, Invention and working with a R&D Agent on that front. Need some time to skill up other skills before I can.

With 16 days out to learn Frigate 5 required to pilot my Tech II Covert Ops ship I decided before committing to studying for 16 days will study a few quicker courses. In a few hours for some needed benefit could increase my skill in a few other areas and including Astrometrics a little bit over a day training. At the end of which will be busy learning skills for Frigate 5 for the next 2 weeks.

With all the new blueprints to manufacture some new items, need quite a bit of minerals to start the process on any of the items so need to do some mining. Being in a 0.6 system its much easier to find most the minerals I need in our star system as long as it’s not all completely gone by too many Hulk mining vessels running wild. With the War Dec in process at the moment. It’s a bit of a minor setback to doing any mining operations for much needed minerals. Will see how the day turns out.